Colloidal silver is a suspension of tiny silver particles in a medium acting as an antimicrobial agent. The silver particles in colloidal silver are typically in the nanometer size range, ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers in diameter.  REVLEX has an anti-microbial effect that protects plants from fungi, bacteria, phytoplasmas and viruses with preventive and curative action. Colloidal silver also plays an important role in the absorption capacity of trace elements improving the growth of crops and yields.


REVLEX  breaks the chemical bonds in the outer cell wall of bacteria, resulting in their death.

Many viruses are surrounded by a protective protein film and REVLEX eliminates the coating, leaving the viruses unprotected and vulnerable to destruction.

REVLEX inhibits both spore germination and mycelial growth of plant pathogenic fungi.


  • Improves appearance and quality of agricultural produce.
  • It provides a growth-stimulating effect.
  • Does not accumulate in products, safe for the environment.
  • Enhances plant resistance to diseases.
  • Provides available microelement nutrition of plants.
  • Increases the growing season and productivity.


  • REVLEX is used only as Foliar Application.
  • Mix well 0.50 – 1.00 liter of product with 200 – 1000 liters of water/Ha.
  • It is recommended to use at the early stage of the crop cycle.
  • In Bananas it can be used as Foliar or injected into the pseudostem. Use 1 liter of REVLEX with 20-24 liters of water adding a non-ionic surfactant which increases the adhesion on leaves. For injection mix 30- 40 ml of REVLEX in 1 liter of water and inject 30 ml to each plant in 2 – 3 positions.

COMPATIBILITY:  REVLEX is compatible with most pesticides and fertilizers.

CAUTION:  Shake well before use & Keep it out of reach of children.

STORAGE:  REVLEX must be kept in its original properly labeled container, well-sealed, and stored in a cool, dry, and ventilated place

PACKAGING: Packs 100, 250, 500 ml, 1, 5, 20, 200 & 1000 l.