CuFORTE is a unique soluble liquid formulation in which Copper (Cu) is complexed with carbohydrates
and antioxidants of natural origin to improve the absorption of the copper. It is a product easily assimilated by the plant and has a very high systemic capacity. This great systemic capacity of the product is possible thanks to the high content of organic molecules that it contains.

CuFORTE destroys the mycelia of the already existing fungi and bacteria, inactivates the latent spores and prevents the entry of new pathogens. It does not stain or leave residues and can be used in integrated production programs.
& Product usable in Ecological Agriculture in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of June 28, 2007, on the production and labelling of organic products, subsequent modifications and extensions


  • CuFORTE is used as a copper source at times when the crop must boost respiration and photosynthesis to increase its development. In parallel, it activates the self-defence mechanisms of the plant, due to the induction of biosynthesis of polyphenols and phytoalexins.


  • Foliar application (high volume): use at doses of 150 – 300 ml per 100 liters of water (do not exceed 3 l/ha).
  • When using low-volume application use 1 l/Ha preferably mixed with 1 l of
  • On Banana it can be used also by injecting it into the pseudostem.
  • In crops sensitive to copper (stone fruit trees, table grapes, strawberries etc.) under adverse climatic conditions, use only the lowest dosage.
  • Use preferably alone without mixing with other products.
  • Perform the applications in the morning or at dusk avoiding the hours of high temperatures.


  • CuFORTE should not be mixed with strong acids, strong bases and calcium products.
  • Do not use in extreme conditions of drought, root asphyxia, low or high excessive temperature and extreme humidity.


  • Shake well before use.
  • Keep it out of reach of children.


  • Store in its original container, tightly closed, in a cool place, dry and well ventilated out of reach of direct sunlight.

PACKAGING: 100, 250, 500 ml, 1, 5, 20, 200, 1000 liters.